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professional food photographer and founder of deLIGHTandmagic, a website that combines my passions for food and photography.

I did a Gallup test a while back. My TOP 5 talents include collecting, INPUT. This is a feature that has its strengths and weaknesses. When developing my passion for food photography, I do not stop at reading one book or attending one course. I strive to read/do them all and attend as many workshops and meetings as possible, believing I can always learn something new. I explore new techniques and perfect them. I want to know more. This gathering gave me the need to be able to share knowledge with you.

I have always felt that there is an artistic soul in me, but for a long time, I was looking for a way to release it.

Food photography wasn’t my first thought.
I started with a culinary blog, where I took photos for recipes.

It took me a few years before I felt that photography of what I bake and cook is my passion.

Ciasto mandarynkowe | Bożena Garbińska | deLIGHTandmagic
Podróże | Bożena Garbińska | deLIGHTandmagic

I can’t help but mention travel. Getting impressions from the places I see, meet, and taste is part of my being. Beauty moves me. Often to tears. It can be a landscape, a book, people, an animated film …

I hope you follow deLIGHTandmagic to gain all the skills you need to realize your vision and return for more to continue evolving as an artist and creator.

xoxo Bożena